Sunday, November 22, 2009

Country Sampler, Spring Green, Wisc.

I went to Spring Green, Wisc. for the Boxwood and Berries Gathering at the Country Sampler in Spring Green, Wisc.  with my two friends Pat (Bits and Pieces) and Karrie (no-blog), what a great time we had. This is our class picture, Class-photo-bb-2009

there were forty girls, from all over the USA. We had wonderful teachers, Maggie Bonanomi, Stacy Nash and the Blackbird Design girls, Alma Allen and Barb Adams.DSC00846

From right to left, Pat, me, Karrie and two new friends, Bonnie and Sherry.


This picture is left to  right, Alma, Stacy, Barb, Maggie and our hostess and owner of the Country Sampler ,Jeanne . who outdid herself with planning and the food which was awesome. Thank You to everyone it was great.

Home Sweet Home BLK # 8

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I have finished block # 8 and started on the last block. I am trying to get Christmas projects finished so it will be awhile before #9 is done.